St. Nick, a Holiday Rescue

On the morning of December 12, 2013, Oregon Department of Transit workers spotted a beautiful wild paint horse standing on the snow-covered ground next to a busy road.

The roads were icy and the road crew was worried about the horse causing an accident. The workers followed the horse’s tracks to a nearby turnout where he probably had been released from a trailer.

Sound Equine Option (SEO) volunteer and St. Nick at his rescue in 2013. Photo by SEO.

Sound Equine Option (SEO) volunteer and St. Nick at his rescue in 2013. Photo by SEO.

Working with the local Sheriff’s Department, they were able to move the horse to a safe area before dark. Sound Equine Options (SEO), a horse rescue nonprofit organization, brought hay to encourage the horse to stay in the area until morning. The next day, they were able to capture him and bring the handsome paint to their facility.

Given the Holiday season, they named him St.Nick.

Nick and Basho, BFFs. Photo by Arrowood Photography.

Nick and Basho, BFFs. Photo by Arrowood Photography.

SEO tried to gentle Nick, but he couldn’t get used to having his head touched. His tongue was split, an injury that could have happened while being mishandled by people. There was also an old, deep scar running across his nose. Montgomery Creek Ranch had recently agreed to rescue another paint that had been saved from slaughter, so we decided to take Nick to be a friend to Basho.

Six years later, Nick and Basho remain inseparable and have explored every hill and valley of MCR.

Today marks 6 years of Nicks rescue. In honor of this, please consider sponsor Nick for the holidays!

Photo by Arrowood Photography.

Photo by Arrowood Photography.