Wolf, an Onaqui Mustang in Training

The Onaqui wild horses of Utah are arguably the most well-known and most photographed wild horses in America. Nearly all of the horses that call the 200,000-acre of public lands home have been given names by the advocates and photographers who flock to the area each year.  We hear stories of the dramas from the range, we know when mares have left a stallion and joined with another, and we celebrate the births of the foals.

So when helicopters descended to round up the herd last summer, we joined in collective mourning for the horses who had their freedom and families ripped from them. But we knew we could also help.

At the end of January, we welcomed four spunky geldings that were captured by the BLM from the Onaqui Herd Management Area last summer. We are affectionately calling them the Onaqui Outlaws.

Watch their story here.

Wolf – named after the full moon which occurred on the day he arrived at the Ranch – is a 14 H Dark Bay youngster born in 2021. Since he arrived here with his three herd mates, he has been in training. Wolf is a very laid-back and friendly guy, a favorite of everyone who has worked with him so far. 

Check out some of his training sessions below and make sure to keep tabs on Wolf’s progress through our social media channels, or send us an email.