Our team at Montgomery Creek Ranch is thrilled to welcome our newest horse trainer, Kai Brown. Being the newbie, we sat down with Kai to ask her a few questions!
Photo of Kai by Tara Arrowood, Arrowood Photography
1. What is your background with horses?
I rode my first horse at the age of three -- an old Off The Track Thoroughbred named Pumpkin and was hooked after that. Growing up, I primarily rode English and jumped and always had a tendency to end up with the “problem horses” which gave me a unique skill set at a pretty young age. During college I had my first opportunity to start a horse from the ground up and really found my passion for the young horses and starting colts.
2. Have you had much experience with mustangs?
Before coming to MCR I had only ridden two mustangs in my lifetime! One of them was a barrel pony that we turned into a trail/endurance horse and to this day I have never ridden a better horse out on the trail! The way she read the trail and how sure-footed she was even on the most technical paths, amazed me.
3. Is there anything that differentiates mustangs from other horses in your experience when it comes to training?
Photo of Truly by Kimerlee Curyl.
I try to think of all horses regardless of breed or ability as just that, a horse. So far I have found them to be incredibly willing and very smart. Truly, the palomino filly here at MCR, has been a great example of that. She absorbs things so well, even if I didn’t necessarily think I got a whole lot accomplished she comes out the next day even better than when I put her away. I think she’s been doing her homework every night! Some of the mustangs fight or flight instincts are most definitely stronger than domestic horses but it seems like as long as you’re attentive and respectful of their feelings and their needs they’ve been coming around just like any other horse.
4. What has been your favorite part of working at MCR so far? Any favorite horses?
From the owners and staff to the horses, MCR has been amazing! I commend MCR for always putting the horses first and making sure their needs and quality of life are the best it can possibly be. Being able to work on things in the arena and then head out on the trail and let the horses just be horses is my absolute favorite.
Photo of Kai and Belle by Tara Arrowood, Arrowood Photography
So far my favorite horses would have to be Belle and Monica! Both of them have so much ability, personality, and are just a joy to be around and work with.
5. Tell us a fun fact about yourself!
When I was in middle school I started my first small business. “Central Coast Lamb Choppers” where I taught my sheep, Woolfred, to pull a cart and charged $5 for a ride around the organic farm we lived on!